If I Could Talk to my teenage self, one thing i would tell myself is

You are not defined by your weakest moment. You are not defined by your worst decision. You are not the villain in your own story.

You will grow. You will learn. You will indeed become the person you need right now. You will look at your life, and the lives of those around you, and say “No, I want to do better; I want to be better.”

And you will.

There are a lot of things you wish that you could change about yourself; a lot of regrets you already have at such a young age. But all of this pain is just stepping stones on the road of life.

There are so many smiles, so many good days, and so many incredible people in store for you. One day, you will look back at all this pain and hurt, and you’ll realize it’s just building material.

You’ll pick up these pieces and build a life for yourself full of love, hope, and promise. You won’t have to be afraid. You won’t have to wonder what home feels like.

You’ll find it.

And everything you’re doing now, everything you’re enduring will get you there. All of this will get you home.

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