Welcome to my diary

book, diary, notes

I’ve been doing a thing called “Journal Therapy” for a while now. It’s basically a time in which I sit and fill out certain journal prompts meant to help with depression, anxiety, and self-love.

But I’ve noticed that I keep it so secret, and what is the reason for that? There’s nothing in my journal I’d hate for someone to see. It’s all positive, and that’s the point.

So, I thought I might bring that here instead, and why not?

I’ll be posting my journal therapy prompts along with my responses daily on my personal blog for all of you to join in my self-love journey.

I hope if you’re struggling with depression, anxiety, or self-love that you can gain something from this. I hope perhaps these prompts might benefit you in the way they’ve benefited me.

Welcome to my diary.

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