One thing I know is publishing is hard. Getting it right is hard. And there’s not necessarily a perfect method. Every book is different, and genres sell differently. Books released at different points in the year sell differently. Authors are at different points in their platform growth.
But, I can say this: There are definite things that will stop your book from selling well.
You Didn’t Promote
The thing about promotion is you’re expected to do it whether or not you self-publish or go the traditional route. You will have to do some promotion either way.
And promotion doesn’t end with the launch of your book. It continues long after to keep sales coming in.
I can’t tell you the right and wrong way to promote. It depends on genre. It depends on your platform. And it definitely depends on the work and money you’re willing to put in.
You Don’t Have A Quality Cover
Say what you want, but everyone judges a book by its cover. In fact, it’s the first thing they judge it by.
If you don’t have a quality cover, your book is not going to sell.
Whether you go for a freelance designer or you design the cover yourself, what matters is the quality. From the quality of images to the quality of design. And it matters if the cover fits the genre.
You Didn’t Publish at the Right Time
There’s definitely a right and wrong time to publish. Christmas isn’t the best time for any books that don’t relate to the holidays. And certain book sell best in certain seasons.
You can find more detailed times at BookBaby Blog.
You Don’t Have Enough Reviews
Reviews are what push your book up in ranking. I’ve read more than once that you should launch with 25+ reviews. And that’s just a start.
Part of promotion is getting reviews. Your goal should always be those quality reviews from actual book people. It’s great that your mom loves your book, but your mom isn’t going to give an unbiased opinion.
You can learn more about getting reviews in my blog post here.
Your Book Isn’t Priced to Sell
Price definitely matters. Of course, you want to make money. But, if you wouldn’t spend the money on your book, neither will anyone else.
Try finding books in your genre similar to yours that are selling well. Price your book near their price.
You Aren’t Thinking Like a Publisher
A publisher does everything they can before the book launch to see the book sells well. They want to maximize profits. So, should you.
You should be focused on putting out a professional, quality product that people want to read. And, you should be focused on getting that product in front of as many faces as you can.
Sometimes that costs money. Crazy.
You might have to foot the bill for some ads, possibly some events. And nothing is wrong with that as long as you’re being frugal.
Your Book isn’t Edited.
Scandal, I know. Having a quality product should be number one. Sure, it can be hard to make sure people know your book exists. But, if they read that first chapter and find typos, they’re going to pass it up.
Make sure you hire a good editor. And even then, listen when someone tells you they found a typo. Because no one is perfect. Not even good editors.
Good luck,